
The Alexander Learning Studio

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Alexander with children of his elementary school
About The Alexander Learning Studio

Studio Pupils Testimonials

"I have enjoyed working with Christine. She is a wonderful teacher; very patient and supportive.

I have found that the Alexander Technique is not just a physical discipline one must learn, but a mental discipline that requires a good deal of understanding to put into practice.

Christine excels at explaining the why's and wherefors and, for that matter, the means whereby. She takes the time to educate her students at their own pace, making certain they understand thoroughly each of the principles involved. This is the mark of a great teacher.

Thank you Christine."

- Robin Cady, Hillsboro, OR -

"Before I moved to Portland and met Christine, I had taken Alexander Technique classes in The Netherlands and in Berkeley, CA, and these classes had taken away my lower back pain and reduced my RSI caused by wrong habits at work (as a software engineer).

Christine is very persistent and patiently and kindly reminds me whenever necessary that I am the only one who can let go of my bad habits. She helped me get rid of my remaining RSI problems. Currently I visit her once a month just to enjoy the wonderful state I can be in: feeling expanded, strong, balanced, relaxed, present, and free. The Alexander Technique is a powerful way to increase my awareness and Christine is a knowledgeable and friendly guide to this greater awareness."

- Marc Schluper, Software Engineer, Beaverton, OR -

"I am flattered that Ms. Eidson has recently asked me to write a letter for her website.

First, about my professional credentials: I am a physician, licensed to practice medicine in the State of Washington. I received my medical degree ('M.D.') from Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU). I am fully trained in general adult psychiatry, and in child and adolescent psychiatry. I am a diplomate of (that is, 'board certified' by) the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. I have been on the clinical teaching faculty of OHSU Department of Psychiatry, and Eastmoreland Osteopathic Family Medicine training programs. I am also internationally published.

I have been a student of the Technique since my first lesson in 1997. At this point, I have had approximately 50 lessons from at least six certified Alexander Technique teachers.

Since 2004, I have had 20-30 Alexander Technique lessons from Ms. Eidson. She is now my primary Alexander Technique teacher.

I have been so favorably impressed by Ms. Eidson's professional demeanor, teaching style, and knowledge of the Technique that I have referred my family, friends, patients, and various health professionals to Ms. Eidson for Alexander Technique lessons.

I hope the reader will be encouraged by this very brief testimonial to pursue studying the Technique with Ms. Eidson."

- Dale Mortimer, M.D., Physician and Psychiatrist,
Vancouver, WA -

"Thank you Christine, you are fantastic! My life and health have improved beyond my wildest dreams since I've been taking lessons from you. After my 1st lesson my chronic neck pain was almost gone. I felt better than after a massage! After the 2nd lesson the tension in my shoulders was becoming controllable so that I could work at my computer longer with much less discomfort/pain.

Now I feel that I control my body rather than the pain controlling me. I can work at the computer or play my ukulele for long periods of time without discomfort. My singing quality and endurance level have also improved. My throat used to hurt after an hour set. Now I can perform for hours with a strong voice and no discomfort.

Christine has been my Alexander Technique teacher for 2-1/2 years. Learning the Alexander Technique requires patience. Christine offers encouragement when I begin to feel 'stuck'. She reminds me that it took a long time to develop my 'normal' (poor) use of my body and it will take time to retrain my body and brain to redevelop 'natural' (good) use. I look forward to my weekly lesson because I feel so much better afterwards, learn tools to improve my health through use of my body, and have fun while I'm learning."

- Nikki Jones, Quality/Process Engineer,
Portland, OR -

"I was referred to Christine through a friend of my Chiropractor's. I was really interested in learning the Alexander Technique because I was told that one could get excellent posture and prevent long term injury by practicing the Technique. Being an engineer who spends most of the time sitting on a chair in front of a computer, I thought that the Technique would help me immensely. Christine is a wonderful instructor of the Technique, and I took lessons under her for about one and a half years. The lessons were one-on-one and taught in the traditional way as it had been taught since the days of Alexander himself.

It took me a few weeks to comprehend the concepts of the Alexander Technique, but once I got the fundamental concepts down, it opened a thousand doors to a completely new way of using myself. Christine insisted that the Technique is not about 'doing' or 'correcting' but is about inhibiting wrong use and gently directing my body to function effortlessly and freely in the way it was designed to work by nature.

I highly recommend Christine as an instructor for the Alexander Technique. She is very friendly, knowledgeable about the Technique and a great instructor. After practicing the Technique, my chronic hip pain has come very much under control; many have noticed my improved posture and some have even commented that I look taller."

- Siva Srinivasan, Mechanical Engineer, Camas, WA -

"I came to the Alexander Technique expecting to become more relaxed on the speaking platform.

That and more were my discoveries as I've worked with Christine.

Learning to use my body in the most efficient way when I walk, sit, drive, and wheel a grocery cart is like learning a foreign language. I thought I knew how to stand and how to sit. Christine helped me clearly understand the vast difference between using my body optimally and my habitual movement patterns.

Optimizing the use of my body saves energy and has dramatically reduced skeletal pain throughout my entire body."

- Abigail Dougherty, Retired, Portland, OR -

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Copyright © 2005-2022 Christine C. Eidson, AmSAT Certified, The Alexander Learning Studio

(1) Photograph of F.M. Alexander © 2002, The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, London